Tuesday, March 15, 2011

West Wind

March 15, 2011

Official School News

Garage: The garage has to be taken down. It is structurally too compromised
to be left as is. So - this coming Saturday we are asking the community to
come and help prepare for Gary Thrasher to tear it down. We will move the
furniture out and into the barn on Densmore. We will move the bread oven.
Please come and bring trucks, ladders, sawcalls, etc. We will have food and
hot drinks. Please call Peter O'Connor with questions - 839-8516.

Next Board Meeting: Thurs, 4/11, 6:30 pm

Our extra phone line 625-0065 does not allow us to retrieve messages. Please
don't leave any on that number. Thanks.

Nest Open House on March 19, Open Classrooms March 24.

Next Morning Garden starting on March 25.
Please spread the word!

Many many thanks to Building and Grounds members Peter O'Connor, Jeff
Dutton, Andy Mueller, Andy Kimball, Dave Sweet, and Marion Lent, who came
out last Saturday and shoveled out the garage!

Orchard Valley Waldorf School is organizing a "Let's form a Waldorf High
School" meeting on April 2, 1 pm. Save the date! Details to follow.

The Ellingson's have a new address and phone number: 1683 Turnpike Rd.,
Washington, VT 05675, Tel. 883-5437.

Community Announcements

Foundation Studies Course
If you are interested, act now!!!
The Center for Anthroposophy will bring their Foundations Studies Course to
the Upper Valley Waldorf School if they have enough interest. Through
seminars, ongoing group work and artistic activities the Foundation Studies
Course addresses, at many levels, the broad themes of human development and
personal growth.
The Foundation Studies Course comprises three distinct but interrelated
1) Study of the basic books of Rudolf Steiner, including How to Know Higher
Worlds, Theosophy, An Outline of Esoteric Science, and Intuitive Thinking as
a Spiritual Path: A Philosophy of Freedom.
2) Cultivation of artistic activities that are transformative in nature,
such as speech, drama, music, eurythmy, painting, drawing, woodwork,
sculpture, and more.
3) Some experience of life in a Waldorf school as well as other cultural
initiatives arising from the work of Rudolf Steiner.
Within a broad outline, each cluster is custom-designed to meet the needs
and particular interests of the communities in which it is held. The course
is a two-year commitment and consists of students in the same geographic
area who meet every other week in guided group sessions that combine a
variety of both intellectual and artistic offerings. A minimum of 15 people
is needed to form a "cluster."
If you are interested or have any questions please contact Cally McCrave
(603) 795 2015 or sashaagirl@yahoo.com. Also, take a look at the website:
www.centerforanthroposo- phy.org/programs/foundation-studies/

New Campus Update

As priming is completed this week your team captains will be in touch soon
with important next steps.

Fundraisers and Special Events

The Guitar Raffle is still ongoing. We have about 160 more tickets to sell,
and things are moving slow. Let's give it a boost! Do you have an email
list that you could send the link to? Any friends or uncles that might be
interested? Tickets are $20 a piece, 6 for $100.

Basque meeting for last year and this year's hosts. Join us in Ms. B's
classroom at 2:30 on Sun. the 20th. A time for answering questions about
cultural differences and/or hosting a teen. Get stories and answers from
folks who have hosted in the past. Childcare is available with donation to
the sitters. If you have any questions call Melisa at 439-6155. Thank you
all hosts for your time, efforts and energy!

Jeanne and the Hi-Tops
April 30, 8 - 11 pm, at the Seven Stars Center, Rt. 14, Sharon VT. Benefit
for Wellspirng. Delicious fingerfoods and desserts by Jeff. No smoking, no
alcohol. $10. Raffle and Silent Auction, incl. a Sabra Field print!

Parent Council is meeting next Monday and hosting a seed swap and discussion
on spring renewal (Steiner excerpts will be provided). We meet in the
Chelsea Library after drop off.

On April 11th we will have a guest presenting the fine art of book binding
and discussing the media saturated world from the Life of the Child

Registration is now open for the Dartmouth Suzuki Festival on March 25 and
26. All information is on the site www.nesuzuki.org or you can talk to
Peter Blum. Register before February 15 to obtain the lowest price.
Maine Coast rental available - Frenchman's Bay, Lamoine, Maine. Week of Aug.
21-28. Right on the water, sleeps seven. Amazing private location!
Dogs welcome. Close to Acadia National Park. The perfect summer vacation
before school starts. Call or email soon as these weeks go quickly. $950
for the week. Call Lava Mueller 802-728-7173 or email Lava at

Just wanted to remind everyone that Northeast Slopes in East Corinth VT is
open for skiing for all of winter break. A day of skiing at NES is only $12
- and there now is a T-Bar to make getting up the hill
much easier. See the website www.northeastslopes.org/ it is also
possible to buy lunch, drinks, etc.

If you've been waiting to see Wretches and Jabberers, it will be shown twice
at the Green Mountain Film Festival in Montpelier: Saturday, March 19th at
4:00 pm at the Pavilion Auditorium - Sunday, March 27th at 12:30 pm at the
Savoy Downstairs (a very small venue that only holds about 50 people). It
will also be showed in Burlington in April as Autism Society of America's
featured film for Autism Awareness Month.