The WEST WIND March 30, 2010
Yeah! The Basque program is happening! Thanks to the following families who have stepped up to the plate: Mayo/Nelson, Bradley, Dutton, Hancy, Stumpff, Garrett/Mahony, Dixon/O’Dell, Johnson – we could use two more families. And if you have events or excursions planned for July and could support these families by taking the Spanish kids along, please let Melisa know. 439-6155
Recommitment forms and pledge information are in your mailboxes. Please get them, fill them out and return them to Heide by this Thursday, April 1st.
SAVE THE DATE for Wellspring Community Celebration for the New Campus – Saturday April 10th
As you are doing your spring cleaning, think of the Wellspring yard sale this July. Books, clothes, sports equipment, furniture, all in good working condition please! We have to pay to get rid of anything that doesn't sell. Any questions please call Melisa or email Thank You!
School Photo and class photos and Early Childhood photos !!! are in. $5 a piece. Come pick them up at the office.
We are looking for a new Development Director! Don’t worry, Mary will stay on the committee, but she doesn’t want to head it up any more. This is a paid position – 20 hours per week. Please call the office if you are interested or know of anyone who might be. Thanks.
New Campus Volunteer Director
Our next Open House will be held on Sat April 3,
Costumes Needed for Midsummer Night’s Dream
Small white or pastel long-sleeved shirts
Any size black short-sleeved shirts
Medium royal women’s clothing (purple, red, green, blue)
Medium ragged peasants’ clothing
Medium vests
Please put your donations in the box in the mailroom. Thank you!!!
Community Announcements
Baseball – you can still sign up. Call Wayne Sprague ASAP at 685-2057
Do you want high speed internet? Transfer ownership of Hughes Net high-speed internet service. $59.99 per month. Finish my contract until Nov. 20th. I will give you the dish and modem and wires (I paid $471.97 for this equipment). You must have it installed by a Hughes Net installer. You sign a change of ownership form. Must have a view of the Southern sky. Cannot be mounted on a metal roof. More info: Marianne McCann, 685-0067.
String Program Reminders
April 1: Concert at the Three Stallion Inn from
April 2: Michele George teaching at Wellspring. I must finalize who is coming tomorrow morning. Please e-mail me at by
April 7: The Middle School Sectionals have their concert on April 7 at
May 1: Deadline for early registration special for our summer Suzuki Workshop from June 22 to 24. Information is at Wellspring students pay $25 less than the internet pricing until May 1.
Melisa needs either a ¼ or ½ size violin to purchase or borrow. Please call her at 439-6155 or email
Bake Sale 7/8 grade, after school. Cookies, brownies, popcorn, juice, and more at the Big House every Tuesday starting March 23rd. Come between
Do you need babysitting? Yard work, house cleaning, gardening, window washing, stacking wood, painting? Find a friendly 7/8th grader! A crew of four is $20 an hour. What a deal! Call Kate 883-2298 or
Save $$$, eat well this summer. 20 weeks of fresh Tunbridge grown organic produce, for $305.00. Join our CSA, community supported agriculture.
Over 20 years of growing great tasting nutritious produce. Call Wellspring parents Wendy or Jean Palthey 889-3565 or email us
See photos of our farm at Some openings for the NOFA farm share program (check info. out at our website)
Tired of your house being messy and cluttered?? Feel you never have time to keep things clean?? Well help is here - I will come to your house and make everything neat and tidy and CLEAN. I can bring my own environmentally friendly supplies or I can use what you have. We can set up a regular schedule or I can come whenever you feel you need some extra scrubbing and spring cleaning. My rate is $15/hr. Please call with any questions - Kimberly Hotelling - 802-839-8516
Liz Guenther: Do you have family coming for Easter? Liz has excellent fresh hams and half hams from her glorious, pasture-raised, Frisbee-playing pig Clover. Other fresh pork cuts and sausage also available. $6 per lb. 439-3377.
Hay for sale - good quality horse hay $3/bale (about 80 bales available) - and mulch hay $2/bale (about 100 available). Mary / Dave 685-4607 lv. message.
A menagerie of handmade puppets assists this master storyteller as she brings folk tales and well-known children's stories to life. All seats $5. Reserve by calling 802-728-6464 weekdays
The First Branch Sustainability Network is sponsoring an orchard workshop Saturday, April 3, at
Home Orchard Basics. Saturday, April 3,
This outdoor, hands-on workshop offers basic practical information for those interested in growing fruit trees for home use. Covers the basics of planting and maintaining apple, pear, and stone fruit trees, either individually or in small home orchards. Addresses topics such as tree siting, selection of varieties, the use of already established homestead trees (i.e., for pollination or grafting), seasonal management, organic pest control, fencing, pruning, cider making, storage, and more--as well as where to find further resources. We'll meet at the