Wellspring Waldorf Newsletter
September 28, 2010
Official School News
The next board meeting is on Monday, November 8, at 6:30 pm. Meetings are
open to all, and we are always looking for new, committed members!
We have two new board members: Well, sort of. Pat Barnes is officially back
on the board, and Sheilagh Smith just joined. Welcome and thank you!
If your child had vaccinations since last September, please have your
pediatrician fax us the update: 685-9974. Thanks.
Dress Code: Apart from the no writing and no pictures etc. the faculty
forgot to mention that shoulder straps have to be 1 inch or wider.
The Bradley's new email is bradleys@hughes.net
Katie Runde's new phone number is 802-356-9892
Yeah! Torsti Rovainen has a phone! 802-505-1881.
The Sweet's have moved: 374 Justin Morrill Hwy, Strafford, VT, 05072. Tel.:
The Chelsea Health Center is offering dental care for all the school
children in town again. Please let me know if you are interested. I have the
sign-up forms here in the office.
Coming up: Workday, Sat. Oct. 16, 10 to 2. There will be food! There are
enough volunteers and projects for both campuses this year. All B&G members
are expected to attend both work days. Also, come if you have signed up for
the fall. If for some reason you cannot make it please contact Parent
Volunteer Coordinator Alyson Mahony for an alternative plan or to pay the
$50 fee.
All Parent Evening: Thursday, Oct. 14, 6:30 pm at the New Campus!!!
Heidi Hoffecker's parents will be there to give us some of their 20-year
Waldorf knowledge. Refreshments. Call if you need childcare.
Our newly forming Parent Council "Waldorf School for Parents" will have its
first meeting on Monday, October 25, from 8:30 to 10 am. They will do a
craft, distribute copies of Kim Payne's new book Simplicity Parenting, and
make a plan for future meetings. Please call Allyson Kokernot for location
ideas: 685-3106.
Community Announcements
Open Handwork after school on Mondays! Begins Oct. 18, 7th grade room, 3 – 4
pm with Marianne McCann. Every Monday till Christmas break.
The film Harvey is involved in is part of the Vermont International Film
Fest and is showing at the Palace 9 Theaters on Friday 10/22 at 6:30 which
is the opening night premier. We (the cast and crew) and family will be at
this showing. There will be other showings through 10/26. Spread the
Mr. Rovainen looking for ride to Providence RI, Boston, or Connecticut
Friday October 8th or early Saturday the 9th? Help him get to a college
friend's wedding! dogpianoman@wildmail.com
Heartbeet Conference
Smell, Taste, Sight, Warmth: Exploring the Four Middle Senses. October
9-10, 2010 Heartbeet Lifesharing in Hardwick, Vermont
The conference is part of a series on the 12 senses. It will include talks
on the theme and artistic sessions with Peter Bruckner and Nathaniel
Williams. We will also have singing with Don Jamison and an evening
performance by Laurie Portocarrero. As usual there will be lots of
conversation, delicious food and fun! For a full conference program and
registration form, please contact Rachel Schwartz at raugustina@hotmail.com
or 802-472-9573
LOCAL WORK, GLOBAL AID: In response to 350.org¹s call for an international
climate change work day this fall, a group of students and faculty at The
Mountain School would like to work to raise money for Ladakh, India, which
has recently been severely affected by flooding. We are looking for jobs in
the area that we can perform to earn money to help counteract some of the
major negative effects of climate change. It would be great if these jobs
were related to preventing climate change, such as weatherization of houses,
getting in wood or garden harvests, but we are open to any jobs that can be
done by a group of teenagers in 1-3 hours.
For Elementary students who are interested in helping earn money with us,
parents could pay them for doing household chores, and they can give the
money to us to donate.
Our actual day of work is going to take place in the morning of Saturday
October 9th. We will also be hosting cider pressing and a bike repair stand
at the Vershire harvest fest at the Vershire Town Center on that day and any
donations made will go to the same cause. For more information, please
contact Rosalie Sharp (roasaliesharp@aol.com) or Kathy Hooke
(kathy.hooke@mountainschool.org 685-4353.)
Connect with us:
Visit our Website
New Campus Blog
Contact Us:
Fundraisers and Special Events
Saturday, November 20th is the date for the annual Wellspring Holiday Fair
from 9:30 to 3:00 at the Town Hall in Chelsea. We are looking for
volunteers, especially to work a two hour shift at the craft table and to
take a shift as the Pocket Man. We are also looking for small handmade
items for Pocket Man's pockets. Hold onto them for now. We'll let you
know when we want them! Also, at our next Parent Council meeting, we will
be making Pocket Man items while we have our discussion. All are welcome!
Lava will lead the craft, materials will be supplied.
Let uLet us know if you would like to have a booth at the Holiday Fair (even
if you have had a booth in the past). Booth space is $30.00. This year we
are offering Wellspring parents a great opportunity to share booth space.
To offer help as a volunteer at the event, or to sign up for a booth, please
contact Lava Mueller, Holiday Fair Chair (that rhymes) at
limeyfoe@sover.net or call Lava at 802-728-7173p.s. Even in you are on
another very busy committee i.e. Silent Auction, you can also work at this
event. I am!!! Go Wellspring!
Thanks to everyone who helped out with the Sheep and Wool Festival; another
successful outreach event!
Bitsy Biron and Jeff Jones are organizing a mid-winter and spring concert
series. They are looking for ideas and volunteers. Please contact them!
Silent Auction: Deadline for submissions Oct. 8.
Please bring your offers in!
We are getting many Silent Auction donations with no information attached.
It is really helpful if we know who the donor is. We would like to give
thanks or credit where it is due and sometimes it is helpful to know who to
ask questions of. If you do not have a blue sheet or another auction form
please just include a slip with your name. If you have already donated
things that are unidentified please tell Amy, Lava or myself what you have
donated. Many thanks to all who have donated thus far.
Also, if any photographer has a great shot from the Harvest Fest could you
pls send to my e-mail. lisasm@hotmail.com
Thanks, Lisa